
Casting down imaginations, and every
high thing that exalts itself against  
the knowledge of God, and bringing   
into captivity every thought to the    
obedience of Christ. II Cor. 10:5    

Live life on your own terms,
That's what the world has taught us;
Forgetting how much God hates sin,
And at what a cost He bought us.

We try to justify and rationalize,
And makes excuses for our sin;
These just grieve the Holy Spirit
And hardens our hearts, within.

What seems like such a little thing,
Allows the devil in the door.
And once he's in, he takes control,
Until we aren't living right anymore!

Lord, You alone are righteous;
You are holy, pure and true,
We can't use the world's excuses,
We must measure up to You.

So Father God, we do confess
And agree with Your Holy Word,
Help us see our sin for what it is:
Rebellion against You, our Lord.

Forgive our stubborn, wicked hearts,
That want to do it our own way.
Cleanse us from all unrighteousness,
Forgive us, Lord, we pray.

Lord, hide Your Word within our hearts,
That against You, we would not sin;
Teach us to walk like Jesus,
That our lives may glorify Him!

© 2007 by Kathryn Brandon;
all rights reserved.
This poem is my original work, and may not be
used in any manner without consent. Thank you.

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